When he arrived, Samir immediately began to gather the necessary documents to open an import export company, he noted that there was strong demand and plans to save as much as possible in order to follow his dream. Days, months and already one year to live here without starting work, all his savings were lost in the daily consumption in the rental of his apartment, bills to pay, investment he made in hiscompany and so on. Samir was lost because he knew he could start from the moment he will pay a bribe, but it is against his nature, he would not get dirty while still waiting for his efforts and the help of god. every night to pray that he opens one door, to help him so he can finally move forward, but no response. Soon he had enough to meet these needs and could not wait for a miracle, then one day, Samir at a prayer and asked God to forgive him for sins he would commit. The next morning he had made an appointment with a broker, a commercial, a corrupt or rather who was trying to seduce him for some time and had offered him find work in exchange of bribe. After this appointment, Samir would be celebrating the defeat of life in the bar of a five star hotel near the airport of Senia, he did not drink but said it may be also possible to use the excuse of oblivion and after all he had nothing to lose. He knew that love could change a man, but that day, he understood that despair as men change and acted much more quickly than love. Samir had sold his soul to the devil, but left no room for guilt because he had to take his actions.Since then he has been CEO of several business and lying to his monthly salary amounts to over one million dinar, to completely change his behavior, he spends his weekends in nightclubs, common people can attend and out with girls who previously would never have put his eyes on them, surrounded by false friends, false love just not was alone because he knows that as soon as he will find himself all alone, this thing called conscience comes haunted and tormented her dream.Samir has never fallen in true love. So he spends his time attending the first came as Nawal and tries to be tender and affectionate as if it were his wife even though he knows she does not love him, because after all, just passing fancies until one day he meets a woman who will soothe his soul and accompany this stretch of road called life twisted.Tonight, it must be presented at an evening organized by the French Cultural Centre to deliver the prize in a competition of literature at the Sheraton because he has met with French entrepreneurs to discuss the terms of their future association, but first he must go downtown to buy a party dress suitable to his girlfriend Nawal.
samedi 11 juin 2011
vendredi 10 juin 2011
One day, while Samir was on the path that led him dear, he met some friends of his who invited him to drink a coffee, he did not refuse the offer and followed him. Then they would get into a car, a police patrol in front of their car burst and starts a so-called routine check, but the police was nervous and brusque. One of them began uttering racist and Islamophobic slurs and a friend of Samir replied. It was because they waited, they released their batons and fell on his friend, from this moment, Samir knew it was too late and everyone will land at the police station and then tocourt.Throughout the rest of his life, he avoided the court, he was the good son, good brother, good citizen, despite his dual nationality, he can never considered French, but obey their laws because he knew what it was and now he is facing a judge who sees nothing but its North African origin and the so-called "facts", he try to explain but had the like talking in a vacuum, and saw behind him a line of people like him innocent or guilty, regardless, the only issue that the judge ask everyone is "do you repeat? "When asking him, Samir felt the rage rising in him but he replied:" No, of course not, I never ... ... "and he got cut by judge put him in a fine of € 5000.When he left the court, he was hungry, thirsty, tired had no shoes on, had dried blood on the neck, and the only thing that came to mind was the fine, c is started to think how to pay but could not find a solution, it was fate, God had to send a message but he did not understand happened was a divine test more to overcome, but it was one can expect. Since this incident he can feel increasingly lost in this country, which is treated as a nobody, he had lost all pride and realized that something was missing, that despite all his efforts, he did not feel whole, what was this void that gnawed inside and did not want to let go as long as it does not go looking for him.Then he started thinking about his country and knows that at least in Algeria, it would be like everyone else with a single nationality. Samir has always been attracted to challenges, but the change of life, it was hard to design and also he thought he had lost his father very young, his family name which meant nothing in France but Algeria was a respected name, his father was an orphan and had fought very young, it was for him a model to follow and it does not happen one day when he does not wonder what would have happened if the Fate had wanted him to grow up in his native country, and if that is the divine message?After a month of reflection only, he made his decision and wanted to take all his savings and went to live in Algeria, and open his own business, even if he did not know what he wanted to do for a living, and all his friends try to dissuade him, saying he had not yet finished his studies, Samir was attracted like a magnet to countries that are barely knew but knew he was gone.
While Nawal spends his final exams study, Samir's current boyfriend finished his weekly meeting with employees, in which they assessed the costs of next month, it is not an employer like the others, because in meeting he mentions even bribes and asks them to negotiate more and more despite the risk of being blacklisted, Samir does not want to hide their faces, he knows that if he wants his company continues progressed, it to pay the corrupt and he actually left.Samir has not always been a man who lacked integrity, he was even the model to follow in some cases. Four years ago, Samir could not pronounced a sentence in Arabic, he grew up in a French suburb where he was known for his wisdom and skills to understand things quickly, since childhood he keeps hearing his relatives and Teachers say he had the potential to succeed, but Samir often wondered what success for him, is to be rich? Having children spoiled rotten, a woman who spends her time wanting things to be superficial and without ambition, that is what he saw on television, and in its neighborhoods things were not better, while young of age were taken for bosses, they were often stopped by police for theft, conceals, possession of drugs or just for fun, because yes, the police enjoyed a check all that move, because no matter the intentions, ambitions, dreams or hopes, that you may have, from the time you live in a neighborhood like hers, you're always suspicious of something, "and if he did nothing, he ferrata", is often said that all police officers in the area.But Samir thought that with perseverance and time, he will succeed in a place where anyone until the day Duis has succeeded. He was the best in all he undertook, and loved to study because the imam of the mosque and nearby at the same time he had learned that all humans were eternal students. Samir liked also discussed with his long time professor of quantum physics Mr Gentil, he liked to be the Poulin men he admired because he had lost his father at the age of eight years and needed to be guided, but with time he noticed that it was advantageous because it has no father, benchmarks and could not create its own path and make their own choices.He wanted to become a physicist and was on track, he had a secret dream to push even further the power of the human being to science and to become one of the Algerians who shape the world and make her proud mother and his country.But Samir was modest and showed great humility. like any good Muslim, he understood that the success is not based on what we have here but what we have in the hereafter, and whenever he had the opportunity, he would help the poor in a total secret because of shame for him was like a treasure fled into desert island for the pirates, had to remain between him and his god.
Years passed. Nawal's family moved too. They settled in an hour of his hometown in a big city called Oran, a city as it has always dream was for her a new beginning, a new city, new friends, neighbors and so on. At one time give it to rethink boy she suffered more than anything else, and deciding what concentrated in something more useful, she learned geography, mathematics, French language, followed the soap to television, and quickly became the girl model, one that everyone enjoyed and envied.But things were not all that easy, because his parents accumulated arguments, and tension grows more and more, his mother spent her time crying and his father returned late at night in a pitiful state, she did not know not what actually happens, every time she asked, she was punished for some reason she could not understand.One day as she returned from EMC, she found her mother lying in his room at the foot of the bed holding a box of medication, she had the habit of calling the emergency, but it was too late, she had lost her mother, she was told she was sick, but she knew the truth, it was a suicide, pure and simple, Nawal had lost his footing, she was in shock, she was crying, screaming, hair pulling , struggled when they tried to stop him, then entered a quiet scary eyes fixing his father who was sitting in the other room without uttering a word, not a single tear, no emotion is appeared in her face, she knew he was the cause of the depression of his mother, a little later, she learned that her father wanted to get married again because her mother could no longer fell pregnant and he wanted a son all costs. then she made two suicide attempts, one of the two had nailed one week and a half in a hospital bed.so she knew that his hour had not come and decide to take revenge on life, death, love. Longer any sense, she wants to enjoy life tan there is still time, it will soon be leaving Oran, Algeria, Africa and all leave behind, all his bad memories that haunts will not be as dust . Above all, it is the concentrated, it has its last review in French in just two hours "island", she needs to get its license, it has everything ready, passport, visa, accommodation, higher education, future , which does use people for his personal ambitions and make them believe that love them. Nawal is currently attending a rich man who has power where it needs it, by the way she has just received a message from him saying, "Hello my love, my first thought is for you, call me for this evening, bis! "."My love", that word makes her horror, this is just a month they attend, and he thinks he already loved her, but the cape Nawal yours straight and can not be distracted by the man from elsewhere believing in this country, and spends his time pretend loved this country, just because his father was a veteran.
One morning, the boy approached her and asked her to lend him a pencil. Nawal did not answer, she pretended to be irritated by this untimely first and hurried on.She was still petrified with fear on seeing him move towards her, she was afraid he knew she loved him, was waiting for, dreamed of taking him by the hand, go beyond the door of the school follow the road to the end, which - they said - was a big city, the characters in the novel, artists, automobiles, many movie theaters and all out of Wonderland. All day, she was unable to concentrate in class. It sulfur absurd behavior, while being relieved to know that the boy also had noticed. The pencil was merely a pretext to start the conversation - when he approached, she saw a pen in his pocket. She longs to see him. That night - and nights that followed - she began to imagine all that she would do, until she found the right way to start a story that would never end. He never sent him to speak. They continued to go to school together, Nawal sometimes walking a few steps in front of him holding a pencil in his right hand, sometimes it can be looked after for dearly. It had to be content to love and suffer in silence until the end of the school year.During the holidays it seemed interminable, Nawal decided to leave the boy a letter in which she confessed that he had been the great love of her life and she made the project to sink in the river or it would devour by wild beasts than using to frighten his mother and his parents did not cry his death, for the poor remain hopeful, despite the tragedies that overwhelm them, they would think she was kidnapped by a wealthy family and without children and one day she would come back covered with glory and money - and while the current (and eternal) love of his life would not be able to forget and suffer every day from not having to speak.The next day, she managed the best she could, put on a dress that her mother had crafted for the occasion and left, thanking God that the holiday was finally completed. But the boy did not reappear. So passed another week of anxiety before Nawal did not learn by comrades he had left town. "He went away," said someone.At this point, Nawal discovered that you can lose some thing forever. She also learned that there was a place called "away", the world was wide, and its small town, and the most interesting things always end up leaving. She wanted it gone too, but she was very young. However, looking at the dusty streets, she decided that someday she would walk in the footsteps of the boy. The nine following Friday, she asked God to take away one day. She had difficulty for some time and really tried to trace the boy, but no one knew where his parents had moved. Nawal then began to find the world too vast and dangerous love, she thought that God lived in heaven too remote to listen to requests from children.
It is thirty seven hours when the alarm clock starts ringing, it's already Sunday, the weekend pass quickly, as always, Nawal is fried on, she knows that a day full of stress waiting for it wake her little sister and will prepare the breakfast. after a whole night to watch a construction site of a Chinese company his father still asleep, she serves breakfast and sits down, her little sister looks at him and asks him or despised it because it was last night knew that his excuse was bogus, she replied "its none of your business in any way, will quickly prepare your bag before you arrive late. "Bored by the suspicions of his little sister, Nawal envalira wonders if this really worth it, she could live her life would be like any other Algerian age, but has chosen to accept all the opportunities offered by the life, there are too many girls who do not benefit because it is subject to the rules at home for fear of their fathers or brothers, and especially it is different from the others, she is free on her and especially nice, because here as elsewhere has many beauty, she knew that men were fragile and must be used before the spell breaks, she told her father she spent the weekend dearly for his girlfriend childhood in order to attend the wedding of his brother, his father has no means sure to check out about his daughter but he prefers to trust him, because since the death of his mother, he tries to move closer to his daughters,Nawal but does not give him the opportunity, she will never forgive him for his behavior before the death of his mother, the only time they seem to close is when she wants something from him because even his father manipulable. Like the other girls, Nawal also believes in love, so she waited until the day her prince charming would appear without warning, captivating her heart and she would go conquer the world with him. As the prince charming did not show himself, he only had to dream.She fell in love for the first time at age eleven, as she walked to primary school. The first day of school, she discovered she was not alone on the journey she was walking not far from a kid who lived in the neighborhood and attended school at the same hour. They had never exchanged a word, but Nawal noticed that the times of the day, which pleased him most was that they spent on the dusty road, despite the thirst, fatigue, bright sunshine, the boy who walked soon as she was making strenuous efforts to remain at its height.
The scene was repeated for several months, Nawal, who hated studying and had no other distractions as television, began to wish that time passes quickly, she waited anxiously to go to school and unlike girls her age, was very boring on the weekends.As the hours pass more slowly for a child than an adult, she suffered, was the endless days, because they offered him only ten minutes to share the love of his life and thousands of others for thinking He imagined it would be good as they can talk.
Some say life is a gift, he must enjoy every moment for death can take us from one moment to another, I do not disagree with the AIS, but I think this view of the meaning life is selfish and arrogant, lack humility and what bothers me most is the word "profit." unfortunately, most people take the phrase literally, and they all enjoy itare profitable, whether a good, bad, or even a hardware and any one person, withthe aim to follow the cult of lust and success at all costs, believing that successmeans, a bank account and fill material that may or rather must be exhibited at the sight of all the world, because success is not if no one knows or rather envy you.'s death is also a gift , and it is giving its importance can only really live life.
The city of Oran, the second largest city of Algeria, is a city with a reputation fordebauchery and immorality, but it goes far beyond its reputation. Here, the poor willbe rich and the rich always want more, this story follows the lives of people all tryingto achieve their goals in a city or corruption and vice are de rigueur, or love is anempty word and that the most important is not what they are, but what others want them to be.
The city of Oran, the second largest city of Algeria, is a city with a reputation fordebauchery and immorality, but it goes far beyond its reputation. Here, the poor willbe rich and the rich always want more, this story follows the lives of people all tryingto achieve their goals in a city or corruption and vice are de rigueur, or love is anempty word and that the most important is not what they are, but what others want them to be.
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